Website solutions for small businesses

Showcase your business’ unique brand and personality. Our goal is to support you in establishing credibility and reaching your business objectives.

If you need a new website:

Designs from scratch

A website tailor-made for your business

Your project is unique and so your website needs to be too! We will create it from scratch, based on your brand identity and your business goals to offer your customers a unique experience.

This includes:

  • Discovery call and project scoping
  • Business, customers and objectives questionnaire
  • Web strategy and user experience (wireframe)
  • Website design
  • Content integration
  • Web development
  • Mobile and SEO-friendly

Prices start at US$2500

Ready-to-Order designs

A simple yet professional solution for small websites

We understand you might have limited resources. However, we don’t want you to compromise on quality with second-tier solutions. Our professional Ready-to-Order designs offer your clients a satisfying experience.

This includes:

  • Discovery call and project scoping
  • Business, customers and objectives questionnaire
  • User experience personalization
  • Personalization of the Ready-to-Order design
  • Content integration
  • Web development
  • Mobile and SEO-friendly

Prices start at US$1500

If you already have a website:

Website audit

If you need an analysis of your website

Your website isn’t performing as you wish, or maybe you don’t have any visibility over the impact of your website on your business? We analyse your website data, structure and design to help you find answers.

This includes:

  • Discovery call and project scoping
  • Data analysis (acquisition and website usage)
  • Full website analysis
  • Clear recommendations with actionnable steps based on your objectives

Prices start at US$700

Website optimisation

If you need a website update

Your website needs an update, but you are not ready to build a brand new site. Whether you are looking to improve conversions, modernize the design, or fit your new branding, we can help!

This includes:

  • Discovery call and project scoping
  • Business, customers and objectives questionnaire
  • Data analysis + website audit with recommendations
  • Design and structural update on your website

Prices start at US$1500

Website maintenance

If you need monthly management and support

No more website headaches, outdated content and design, glitches, overdue updates… We take care of your website’s health to ensure it is shining at all times!

This includes:

  • Content updates
  • Theme and WordPress updates
  • Plugins updates
  • Backups and web hosting maintenance
  • Security monitoring
  • Add on: Design updates
  • Add-on: Website reporting and analysis with strategic recommendations

Prices start at US$75/month

Ready to work together?